Helping You Obtain a Waiver of Inadmissibility
If you are trying to enter the United States temporarily or permanently and you have a criminal record or other negative item in your background, you may be considered inadmissible unless you can obtain a waiver from American immigration authorities.
At the immigration law firm of Yeager & Etkind, we help clients pursue waivers of inadmissibility so they can enter the country. With offices in Rockville, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., we serve clients throughout the region and internationally. Contact us at 202-828-0750 or 301-340-2111 to discuss your case with an experienced immigration attorney.
Understanding the Grounds for Inadmissibility
There are several reasons why you may be considered inadmissible to the United States, even though you meet all of the other requirements for the visa for which you have applied, whether it be an employment-based green card, temporary work visa, family-based green card or non-immigrant visa. Common grounds of inadmissibility include the following:
- You’ve been convicted of a crime
- You’ve been present in the United States unlawfully
- You have a publicly transmitted disease or a mental illness
- You’ve lied to an immigration official or border agent
- You’ve used a fake passport or other fraudulent document
- You have not been in your home country for long enough
Whether you are currently in the U.S. or abroad, having grounds for inadmissibility will prevent you from getting a new or renewed visa unless you are able to obtain a waiver of inadmissibility.
Documenting Why You Deserve a Waiver
There are two ways to demonstrate that you deserve a waiver of inadmissibility. First, you can show that a U.S. citizen will suffer hardship if you are not granted the waiver. For instance, your spouse may be a U.S. citizen and unable to join you in your country for financial, medical, political or other reasons.
Second, you can show that the positive things you have done in your life outweigh the negative factors that are preventing you from being considered admissible. Demonstrating either of these grounds for a waiver may require consulting and obtaining opinions from qualified professionals such as doctors, social workers, psychiatrists and financial planners.
To learn more about your options for pursuing a waiver of inadmissibility, contact us to discuss your specific circumstances with an experienced immigration lawyer.