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DNC speakers approach podium, outside Latino activists arrested

On Behalf of | Sep 5, 2012 | U.S. Immigration Law |

Immigration reform remains a constant issue on both ends of the political spectrum and everywhere in between, and as November draws nearer the debate is only becoming more front and center for many concerned individuals. Of those who are watching the campaigning with a close eye are members of the United States Latino community.

In June of this year, President Barack Obama enacted the Deferred Action program. As we wrote in our prior post, despite what is taught to students in many elementary school programs birth alone does not secure citizenship in the United States. The Deferred Action program addresses this issue, and applications for deferral are now being accepted.

While the Latino community is thrilled with the June decision that could allow two million or more immigrant children to stay within the borders of the United States, some are still concerned with the numbers of immigrants being deported on a daily basis.

A group of Latino advocates protested outside of the walls of the Democratic National Convention as speeches got underway this week. Those individuals were concerned with the approximately 1.2 million undocumented individuals that were deported under the current administration.

In each 12 month break-down, there have been approximately 400,000 people per year who have been deported in the past four years. The deportations often rip one individual parent, child or other family member from those that they love, and what has been left in the path of these deportations are numerous broken families.

Those who protested held signs that said “undocumented” in bold capital letters, others could be heard shouting “No papers, no fear.” As the protesters chanted and Latin music played in the background, officers attempted to break up the gathering. A total of 10 activists were arrested in the event.

Source: AlJazeera, “US Latinos want more from Obama,” Sept. 5, 2012

If you are an undocumented individual, our website provides information on defending people targeted for deportation in Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C.
