Yes, there's an app for that. This phrase seems to be everywhere as more and more people adopt a mobile lifestyle and rely on their smart phones for knowledge and answers with the swipe of a finger. For those who are in Maryland and seeking U.S. citizenship, their...
Your Immigration
Legal Advocates
Month: July 2013
Worker faces deportation over employment complaint
It is not uncommon or unlawful for a worker to speak up or complain about what they feel may be unfair work practices, such as wage disputes. However, if a worker is undocumented or working in Maryland or elsewhere in the country illegally, complaining or speaking up...
Woman set for deportation gets permission to stay longer
Being involved in any kind of criminal court case can bring one's immigration status front and center. A recent case of a witness who may have seen a fatal incident and the extension of her time in the United States points to how quickly one's deportation status can...
Man’s deportation arranged while he is comatose
Whenever anyone has a medical emergency and is admitted to a hospital in the United States, they typically expect to still be in the United States when they wake up and begin to recover. However, one man recently went into the hospital and woke up after his...