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Report finds deportation reasons differ by region

On Behalf of | May 7, 2014 | U.S. Immigration Law |

Even though federal laws and regulations are supposed to dictate how deportations are handled and why someone is subject to deportation, a recent report highlights how it is handled differently in various parts of the country. Currently, a record number of foreigners have been deported, and groups are calling more humane procedures to keep families together. Anyone in Maryland who may be subject to deportation or has a family member awaiting deportation may want to understand the procedures and variances by region.

Roughly 75 percent of those who have been deported under the current administration have a criminal record. Typically, the type of crime plays a role in determining whether it is deemed worthy of deportation. However, the report didn’t distinguish between the severities of the crimes.

The region where an immigrant was taken into custody also played a role in the likelihood of deportation. If someone was picked up or found near the border, there was what was described as a “near zero-tolerance” policy. They were often expelled quickly. However, if someone was found in the middle of the country, there was more flexibility in the deportation process.

Immigration groups have expressed a desire to see deportations handled more fairly. The deportation process can be confusing and unsettling for families affected and particularly for the person awaiting a decision. Anyone in Maryland who is concerned about deportation and how it may affect his or her family may want to stay up to date on any reports or changes in legislation. Moreover, seeking professional assistance may be a worthwhile approach to confront any potential issues proactively.

Source: The New York Times, “Report Finds Deportations Focus on Criminal Records“, Julia Preston, April 29, 2014
