The deportation process can be difficult to understand and a scary proposition in of itself. Knowing the facts and truth about how and why someone may face deportation can be helpful for those who are concerned for themselves or a family member. Anyone in Maryland who may fear deportation may be interested in the legal process.
Deportation can happen or be a possibility under certain circumstances. Anytime an undocumented immigrant is here illegally and becomes entangled in the legal system, even through a simple traffic stop, the possibility of deportation may be raised. If someone stays here beyond the time allotted by their visa, they may face deportation. A green card holder may also face deportation if they commit certain crimes.
Anytime the legal system becomes involved with someone here illegally and deportation is a possibility, that individual and family may want to learn how the process works. A legal representative can work to review why a person may face deportation and investigate the case. A person facing deportation may also be able to be released on bond while the case moves forward.
Anyone in Maryland who is dealing with a deportation issue may want to be sure the case is handled properly. There may be options available that the general public is not aware of and could be benefit from greatly if they were to learn more about their possible options. Our firm has more information about the deportation process on our website. Visiting our immigration page can help clarify some concerns.
Source:, “Washington D.C. Deportation Attorney“, , Sept. 16, 2014